How to Say “I Like Anime” in Japanese (Natural Phrases)

How to Say I Like Anime in Japanese アニメ好き anime suki

I have written this blog post for all the anime lovers out there that want to know how to say phrases like “I like anime” or “I like watching anime” in Japanese. Of course, we will also cover the important question for a new Japanese friend “Do you like anime?“. So let’s start with the easiest way to sayI like anime” in Japanese.

“Anime ga suki desu” (アニメが好きです) is the basic formal phrase to say “I like anime” in Japanese. When talking to friends the more casual phrases “Anime suki” (アニメ好き) or “Anime suki da” (アニメ好きだ) are more common. To say “I like watching anime” you can use “Anime o miru no ga suki desu” (アニメを見るのが好きです).

Below I will explain in detail the difference between the formal textbook phrases and the more natural casual phrases and show you a few other ways of how to sayI like anime” in Japanese. After that, we will cover a lot of other essential phrases that will come in handy when you want to talk about how much you like anime in Japanese.

  • I like anime
  • I like watching anime / I like to watch anime
  • Do you like anime?
  • I’m watching anime (right now)
  • I want to watch anime
  • I like reading manga and watching anime

How to Say “I Like Anime” in Japanese

The Japanese word for “anime” is アニメ (anime) and the Japanese word for “to like” is 好き (suki). Since it is common to omit the subject “I” (私, watashi) as well as any unnecessary particles in casual speech all you have to say is “Anime suki” (アニメ好き) in order to express “I like anime” in Japanese. However, if you want you can add the particle ga (が).

Anime suki.
I like anime.

Anime ga suki.
I like anime.

Watashi wa anime ga suki.
I like anime (correct but not very natural)

To make your Japanese sentence sound more polite you can add the word desu (です) at the end. If, on the other hand, you want to add more emphasis to what you are saying you can add the casual version of the Japanese copula “desu”, which is da (だ). This is like adding an exclamation mark to your sentence: “I like anime!“.

Anime suki desu.
I like anime (polite)

Anime ga suki desu.
I like anime (polite)

Watashi wa anime ga suki desu.
I like anime (polite and correct but unnatural)

If you are really into anime you can add another word, the sentence ending particle yo (よ) after da (だ). Da yo (だよ) adds even more emphasis and can either be translated as “I like anime!!!“, “I really like anime“, or even “I love anime“.

Anime suki da yo.
I (really) like anime!!!

Anime ga suki da yo.
I (really) like anime!!!

To say “I love anime” in Japanese you can also use the word daisuki (大好き) instead of suki (好き). So “Anime daisuki” (アニメ大好き), “Anime ga daisuki” (アニメが大好き), “Anime daisuki dayo” (アニメ大好きだよ) all mean “I love anime“. Here is one of my blog posts if you want to know more about the difference between suki vs daisuki explained on the example of how to say “I like you” in Japanese.

“I Like Watching/to Watch Anime” in Japanese

Anime o miru no ga suki desu” (アニメを見るのが好きです) and “Anime o miru koto ga suki desu” (アニメを見ることが好きです) are the Japanese phrases you can use to say “I like to watch anime” or “I like watching anime“. When talking to your friends, you can omit the word “desu” at the end or use the word da (だ) instead.

Polite phrases to say “I like watching/to watch anime” in Japanese

Anime o miru no ga suki desu.
I like to watch anime.

Anime o miru koto ga suki desu.
I like watching anime.

Casual phrases to say “I like watching/to watch anime” in Japanese

Anime o miru no ga suki.
I like to watch anime.

Anime o miru no ga suki da.
I like to watch anime!

Anime o miru koto ga suki.
I like watching anime.

Anime o miru koto ga suki da.
I like watching anime!

Same as before it is not wrong to add “Watashi wa” (私は) at the beginning of the sentence. However, you sound more natural and more Japanese when you omit the subject “I”.

“Do You Like Anime?” in Japanese

Anime ga suki desu ka?” (アニメが好きですか。) is the formal way to ask someone in Japanese “Do you like anime?“. In an informal situation, you can just say “Anime suki?” (アニメ好き?) or “Anime ga suki?” (アニメが好き?) with a rising intonation at the end in order to turn the sentence into a casual question.

Polite ways to ask “Do you like anime?” in Japanese

Anime ga suki desu ka?
Do you like anime?

Anime suki desu ka?
Do you like anime? (more natural)

Casual ways to ask “Do you like anime?” in Japanese

Anime suki?
Do you like anime?

Anime ga suki?
Do you like anime?

In textbooks, you will probably find the phrase “Anata wa anime ga suki desu ka?” (あなたはアニメが好きですか。). However, it is better to omit “anata” (あなた, you) since it could be considered rude. Furthermore, just like with “watashi” (私, I) it is common to omit the subject when it is clear.

“I’m Watching Anime” in Japanese

Anime o miteimasu” (アニメを見ています) is the polite way to say “I’m watching anime (now)“. The casual phrase with the same meaning would be “Anime o miteiru” (アニメを見ている) or “Anime or miteru” (アニメを見てる). You can also add “Ima” (今) at the beginning of the sentence to emphasize you are watching “right now“.

Polite ways to say “I’m watching anime (right now)” in Japanese

Anime o miteimasu.
I’m watching anime.

Ima anime wo miteimasu.
I’m watching anime right now.

Casual ways to say “I’m watching anime (right now)” in Japanese. Please note that the particle o (を) can be used or omitted in all of the example sentences below.

Anime o miteiru.
I’m watching anime.

Anime miteru.
I’m watching anime.

Ima anime miteiru.
I’m watching anime right now.

Ima anime o miteru.
I’m watching anime right now.

teiru” (〜ている) and “teimasu” (〜ています) are the Japanese grammar forms for the English present continuous tenseam/is/are …ing“, but since Japanese tend to abbreviate everything they can you will also frequently encounter the shorter “teru” (〜てる) and “temasu” (〜てます).

“I Want to Watch Anime” in Japanese

Anime o mitai desu” (アニメを見たいです) is the formal way to say “I want to watch anime” in Japanese. When talking to friends or family members the more casual “Anime o mitai” (アニメを見たい) or “Anime mitai” (アニメ見たい) is more natural. To add more emphasis you can add the particle na (な) or yo (よ) at the end.

Polite ways to say “I want to watch anime” in Japanese

Anime o mitai desu.
I want to watch anime.

Anime mitai desu.
I want to watch anime.

Informal ways to say “I want to watch anime” in Japanese

Anime mitai.

Anime o mitai.

Anime mitai na.
I want to watch anime! (a bit feminine)

Anime mitai yo.
I want to watch anime! (pretty strong and masculine)

You can also add words like today (今日, kyou), tomorrow (明日, ashita), or tonight (今夜, konya) at the beginning of the sentence to say “Today/tomorrow/tonight I want to watch anime“. Here’s an example “Kyou anime mitai” (今日アニメ見たい) which translates as “Today I want to watch anime“.

“I Like Reading Manga and Watching Anime” in Japanese

If you are into manga and anime you can say “Manga o yomu koto to, anime o miru koto ga suki desu” (マンガを読むことと、アニメを見ることが好きです) in Japanese which translates as “I like reading manga and watching anime“. The sentence “Manga o yondari, anime o miru no ga suki” (マンガを読んだりアニメを見るのがすき) sounds more casual.

Manga o yomu koto to, anime o miru koto ga suki desu.
I like reading manga and watching anime (formal)

Manga o yondari, anime o miru no ga suki.
I like reading manga and watching anime (casual)

Now that you know how to say “I like anime” why don’t you also check out how to say “I love anime”? I cover the phrase in my other blog post: “The Meaning of “Daisuki” – Say “I Love (You)” in Japanese“.


おはよう! I'm Alex. I started learning Japanese back in high school and have been living and working in Tokyo since 2015. Even after moving to Japan, it took me years to improve my Japanese because I was so focused on studying JLPT vocabulary lists, kanji, and grammar. Over time, I've realized that the best way to learn Japanese is by immersing yourself in content that's fun. Since I love Japanese music, anime, manga, and video games, I've made them my primary learning tools—and the best part? It really works! Now, I want to help you improve your Japanese even faster than I did with my free online lessons and content. Stay tuned, and follow me on Twitter and Instagram for tips, lessons, fun ways to study, and your daily dose of Japanese! Twitter and/or Instagram.

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